Faro Dental Products
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Find out more about The Elexa® Dental Chairs
Now you can afford to go Digital at your dental practice. With a Handy Dental Interoral Sensor, you can take dental x-ray images and download the images to a PC in seconds. The latest in CMOS technology. Currently on offer at Elexadent for: £1950 + VAT (normally £3000 + VAT)
Dental Practices can now convert to digital x-ray processing cheaply. To view the sale please click on this link: http://eepurl.com/z4oi1
Features of all mode SmartCam: It is the only camera in the world that offers four quad image display camera without a capture card; Storage SD card installed in original package SD card saving more than 3000 pictures, Direct USB...
For IONEX products launch by Elexadent please visit: http://goo.gl/BmWnFa All you need for the latest in Endodontic Surgery technology. Contact Us for any further details.
We must take care of our health to live long, having a strong pair of teeth are necessary in all ages of a person and we should take a good diet to maintain it. To have strong teeth from childhood to old age there are very simple tips and tricks,...